Over the years I have talked about an annual Oswego fishing season
spectacular that is akin to fishing in brown trout heaven. A unique set of
circumstances, a combination of warm nutrient rich shoreline river water plumes,
favorable shoreline and bottom contours, and near shore predator feeding
patterns, make for some of the best brown trout angling opportunities on the
entire lake. This brown trout happening occurs just about each and every spring.
As the season segues from spring to summer, if you move
gradually to deeper water your brown trout successes will only continue. If you
choose to stay with the browns you can catch them well into August and on most
days never have to wander more that 2 to 3 miles off shore.
The fact is
brown trout do not wander very far from their birthplace or in this case the
area in which they were stocked. While salmon will roam, Mr. Brown stays at
home. So a combination of warmer nutrient rich water luring baitfish and plenty
of inquisitive, hungry, predators, presents a fish catching puzzle that is
generally easy to solve. Here is an interesting info tidbit as to why you might
want to choose Oswego for your next brown trout outing. The last three NYS
Record Brown Trout, led by the current NYS Record 33lb, 2oz monster were all
caught from Oswego east to an area known as the "High Rocks", just east of
Nine-Mile Point. If that fact is not enough to attest to Oswego's big fish
reputation, I don't know of a better testimonial. By the by, the current NYS
record brown was caught on our vessel, the Dixie Dandy.
The prime factor influencing the brown trout bonanza is the
Oswego River and the immense flow of warm water emptying into the lake. It is
the odds baby, and the odds are in favor of the Oswego River and the numerous
smaller tributary waters that enhance the big rivers fish magnet
Now that I have explained why the Oswego area provides great
Brown Trout fishing here is a tip that can make an outing even better. Fish on
Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. There are a couple of reasons why one should
consider this option. First it is a fact that Brown Trout are a skittish, wary,
fish. They are line shy, and noise shy, especially from the sounds caused by
boats. Secondly, when fishing for browns you will do best when fishing away from
boat traffic and if the water is crystal clear running lures far from the boat.
So why do Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays increase catching odds? Read on!
In the spring there is plenty of boat traffic because most
anglers are aching to get back on the water after their share of winter
doldrums. Everyone is excited about returning to the lake, hence heavy boat
traffic. Heavy boat traffic means plenty of noise on and in the water. On some
spring days the concentration of fish might be in the Oswego Harbor. On the
weekends plenty of fish are feeding in the harbor causing numerous boats to
troll in the confinement of the surrounding sea walls. If the lake is too rough
to fish, the harbor area provides protection from the rolling seas. It doesn't
take long before you are trolling in a maze of vessels large and small all
trolling with plenty of lures in the water sometimes only 30 to 50 feet apart.
Before you can yell, "fish on" tempers can flair, tangles can occur, and the joy
of fishing can quickly become a painful experience.
Crowded weekend fishing gives way to more solitary
opportunities as most anglers return home on Sunday leaving the next few days
open for pressure free fishing with almost non existent fishing vessel armadas.
Monday to Wednesday trips allow ample trolling room all along the shoreline. If
the water is crystal clear running lures far back in your trolling pattern makes
those wary browns more cooperative. Many times this is not possible on those
crowded days.
One last thought. When fishing for browns it is always more
productive to be able to fish far from other boats if you can. On crowded
weekend days, it is tough to go solo. Make a couple of circles because you are
getting plenty of strikes and you will soon have company because experienced
anglers are savvy to the movement of vessels that are catching fish. In addition
inexperienced fishers search out other boats especially if several vessels are
fishing in a cluster. Take it from me, clusters are not good. On land they say
"build it and they will come". On the water they say "catch a fish and they will
come. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, fewer will come since fewer are on
the water. It is harder to generate a cluster. Basically you can fish where you
want, troll at the speed you want, and run your lures where you want. Now who
wouldn't want that?
When I started fishing on the big O, boat to boat
communication was very different that it is today. The internet, cell phones,
texting and other social media have revolutionized the information highway.
Basically it means that getting good information on where to fish and what to
use is just a click away. Today everyone is a world class fisherman, at least on
Facebook. Just ask and they will tell you. After all, if you read it on the
internet it must be true. I guess what I am saying is if you can, fish on light
boat traffic days, fish away from everyone else, and don't answer the phone.
Fishing on light boat traffic days, and fishing away from other boats is doable.
Not answering the phone is probably asking too much. In any event, adhering to a
few basic brown trout fishing skills will definitely improve your catch rate,
especially on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Be quiet, be alone and be